Wednesday, November 7, 2018

HBB2 Pointe-Noir Day 3

HBB2 Pointe-Noir Day 3

The final day of our second course today went well. The midwives were able to complete the course and receive their certificates and neonatal resuscitation equipment. We also took a tour of the Tié Tié Hospital with the head OB/GYN doctor. We visited the delivery room and saw a baby who was born shortly before our visit. The hospital has about 5000 deliveries per year, more than any hospital where I have worked. There are only 2 rooms for postpartum patients plus 2 more rooms for post C-section patients. Each room has 6 beds complete with mosquito netting for both the mom and the baby, since malaria is endemic here.


After the closing ceremony which was attended by the local health department director and the Pointe-Noir district president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we traveled north toward Dolisie. It was a scenic drive through a mountainous rain forest. Along the road we saw some boys selling pangolins that they had trapped. A pangolin is a small scaly anteater. They are the only known mammals with scales. Sadly, they are trafficked to China where the scales are believed to have medicinal properties.

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