Worshipping with the Saints
One of my favorite things about serving with Latter-day Saint Charities is the opportunity to attend local congregations in the countries in which we serve. Last Sunday we attended the Branche de l'Aeroport and today we attended the Branche de Mpaka II. Currently there are six branches of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints here in Pointe-Noir.
Since I am traveling this week, I will miss performing in the weekly broadcast of "Music and the Spoken Word" with the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. I always enjoy participating and feeling of the spirit of the great music we perform. However, today I heard the branch choir beautifully perform "Dieu Tout Puissant" ("How Great Thou Art") which was very inspiring.
Soon it will be time to return home, but I am indeed grateful for the time I have spent here in the Republic of the Congo. Wherever I go in the world, I am always in "awesome wonder" of this earth on which we live and full of admiration for the goodness of the people I meet.
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Steve, My dear Sister from the Congo would love to meet you.She plans to be doctor there someday. Your enthusiastic face was missed at the great patriotic program today.