Monday, October 29, 2018

Teaching Helping Babies Breathe in the Republic of the Congo

This week I will travel to Pointe-Noire, Republic of the Congo, to teach Helping Babies Breathe with Latter-day Saint Charities. Using bag and mask neonatal resusictation equipment donated by Latter-day Saint Charities, our team will teach midwives and birth attendants what to do if a baby is born and is not breathing.

The Republic of the Congo, also known as Congo-Brazzaville, is a country of about 5 million people in Central Africa. It is across the Congo River from the Democratic Republic of the Congo which is also known as Congo-Kinshasa.

This will be my eighth journey to Africa and the second time I have taught neonatal resuscitation in Congo-Brazzaville. I participated in the first course taught in the Republic of the Congo by Latter-day Saint Charities in 2007. 

In this blog I will chronicle  my experiences.


  1. So proud of you for sharing your professional skills to serve others.

  2. I always tell people it's a good thing i only have one brother because nobody else could ever compare to you! I love you, safe travels !
